Next Details of Shotley Housing Development Revealed

With the roundabout leading into the first batch houses at Barrelman’s Point on the site of the former HMS Ganges site, now opened, details of the second phase have been revealed.

Joint developers Wavensmere Homes and Galliard Homes has submitted an application, known as an S73, to Babergh District Council showing the revised plans.

These include a convenience store, a cafe, creche co-working space and possible museum, within Nelson Hall and how the old swimming pool building would look.

Images also show the pedestrian access through the ceremonial gates on Caledonia Road, and the type of houses, which includes two-three and assisted living homes are shown.

The move comes as the first 81 houses are well on the way to completion, with prospective buyers invited to visit the show homes later this month.

Ganges iconic 143ft mast has been restored and stands proudly on the parade ground, which will form part of the open space.

Permission was granted in 2015 to build 285 homes, a care home, open space area, and restoration of the mast, with deferred S106 payments totally more than £10million towards highways, education and affordable housing among there things.

The new application asks to reduce the number rf five bed homes but instead have an additional 18 homes, some of which will be in the affordable housing category.

James Dickens, managing director at Wavensmere Homes, said: “We are thrilled to have completed our replan of the 58-acre former HMS Ganges site.

“Redeveloping this site is a huge task and responsibility. There is so much history to celebrate.

“We are immensely proud to be reanimating this atmospheric site and can now welcome prospective purchasers to the site so they can see how the development is taking shape and choose their preferred home design and plot.”

First Published Nov 2023.

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